Friday, June 12, 2015


This is a project that we did in class, it is mainly about me and the things that I like to do and stuff that just makes me different from the other people in the world.

Cover Photo

This is the Cover I made for our Young Males magazine that we made as a group in our class earlier this school year


This is the script for my podcast project. A podcast is basically an online radio that has nothing but someone voice talking about whatever topic the podcast is based on. My podcast topic was Music and its influence on its listeners.

This is Rashi’d Pendleton in the first half of this podcast we’ll talk about different type of music and the history of the music. We’ll discuss the influence of music how it can change the listener and the person who created it. Later in the Podcast will discuss the one and only Kendrick Lamar and his unique style of music.

Music Transition

Music in an art of sound used to express someone’s emotions and feeling through rhythm and melody. Music is an all-around thing it’s not just made for a certain group of people. It’s all different types of music that fit different audiences. Some people rather listen to hip-hop rather than listen to country or vice versa. It’s all about finding what music you seem to like the most. Some music artist try to do a mixture of genre such as Drake, He mixes R&B and hip-hop together expand his fan base.  Hip-Hop is probably the most popular of all the genres in music. Besides Hip-hop you have R&B, Rock &Roll, Country, Pop, Jazz, and many more.

Music Transition

Music has an influence on its audience or listeners. Many people see music artist as a type of idol and wants to be just like them. Let’s say your idol is a rapper named Lil Wayne okay and he mostly raps about doing well in school, going to college, and just being a successful person. That would make you want to be like your idol and do what he says. But the music that many teens listen to isn’t supporting the right way of life. They normally talk about smoking weed or popping pills, talk about killing whoever they don’t like and just sends the wrong message to easily influenced teens. Very known music artist has the biggest influence people could see the way that he/she is dressing then they want to go out and dress similar to the way that person is dressing. In music video, which is basically a video shot that shows the artist singing the song that they wrote. There is a saying that music writers should write only about things that happened to them or things that they have actually done. So if you grew up in Beverly Hills, don’t write a song that says you was born in Compton and you was selling drugs all your life. No boy you lived in a peaceful area and probably never bagged up drugs in your life. So if the song writer isn’t writing a song about what is an experience in his life he could be called out by other people and lose his fan base. Music is a way to express yourself not a way to act like what you’re not.

Music transition


Kendrick Lamar is one of the best lyrical rappers a live today. Kendrick has lost a little of his hype from when he first started but his recently released album called How To Pimp A Butterfly is a very strong album with a lot of meaning. Many music artist gets away from having a meaning behind all the songs that they write. Kendrick is one of the few rappers today that basically every song that he makes have an actually meaning behind it that in my eyes is real music. Kendrick Lamar actually is an overlooked rapper because of his style of music, he mixes old school beats with his style of music writing. Kendrick focuses on sending the right message to the people that listens to his music, he doesn’t rap about what every other rapper raps about. He has a different style and a different purpose with his music from other popular rappers in the industry. Kendrick stays true to himself if you listen to his music from before he was famous and listen to the music after he became famous it is the same style but it just have different meaning because every song has a meaning that he is trying across. Not too many rappers can do what Kendrick does, his wordplay and punch lines is full of meaning and many people doesn’t catch what he is trying to say so they fail to fail to realize the impact that he is trying to have on the people that takes the time to hear what he is saying.


This is an advertisement that I made for our magazine.

Dan Eldon

This is an essay about  conflict zone photo journalist. It was based off of a movie that we watched in class.

Journalist risk their life to tell the story of what’s going on in conflict zones to help try to make a change. They do this for the chance to tell a story that other people don’t have the courage to tell.  Dan Eldon was one journalist who was killed trying to tell the story of what was really happening Somalia.

            Dan Eldon isn’t the only journalist who died in a conflict zone trying to tell a story but their actually journalist who survive to tell the story the next day. A couple of conflict zone journalist are Des Wright, Don McCullin, Martin Bell, and Christine Amanpour.  These are just a few journalist that work in conflict zones. Most journalist try to get as close to the action as they can, the closer they are the better the story. It takes a lot of courage to risk your life to try to make a change.  These journalist are not crazy they are just dedicated to making a change and they will do anything to try to accomplish that change. These journalist possess the opportunity to create a huge impact on how certain people are living and bring it to the attention of people around the world. It’s just a big risk as said by Des Wright “covering war is just like fighting in war’. You have to make sure you’re covering the story getting all the right evidence, but at the same time you have to make sure your protecting your wellbeing.

            These journalist can be considerate heroes because of what they are trying to do. The evidence that the journalist are getting can help change the situation that the people are in. These believe this is what they are dynast to do. It’s what they love doing the excitement and fear of being killed is what makes them do this type of journalism. According to Martin Bell being a journalist in a conflict zone is a “Front row seat at the making of history”. It’s as if the chance of being in the actually war and conflict zones looking through that camera, capturing pictures that tells nothing but the truth about what is actually going on just causes them to be addicted so that they do it over and over again. This makes them heroes doing something that many people don’t have the courage or nerve to do. Not too many people feel that they were born to be a photo journalist in a conflict zone, but these journalist feel that this is what they were born to do and they wouldn’t want it any other way.

Amy Eldon wanted to find out exactly what happened to her brother Dan Eldon in Somalia.  I feel that this was the right thing to do. This gave her a sense of closure about what actually happened to her brother so she can move on and live happily knowing what she needed to know about his death.  She found out that her brother did what he did because he believed that he needed to do what he did and it wasn’t anything that could stop him from doing it. Her brother did an important thing that he believed he needed to do so he died in a way that he didn’t have a problem dying in. What he say had a huge impact on him, It made him have depression stages trying to understand exactly what he has saw in Somalia. Amy Eldon learned a lot from her journey to try to find out what happened to her brother. Amy Eldon got closure so she could feel a little better about the situation and the loss of her brother.

            These Journalist are very inspirational and shows the power that they have to get the stories that they share inspires people to want to make a change in the world. It helps gain more supporters that will try to help change the conditions that the people in the area that they are in getting the story. These journalist have a huge responsibility, they have the responsibility to tell the story for people who can’t find the courage to tell it themselves. Without these journalist we wouldn’t knew about what really happens in other parts of the world. They give us more knowledge about what happens so we can see if there is something that can we could do to change it for the better. Being a photo journalist is an important job it holds a lot of power to influence people to do things and give people the courage to make a change instead of living in the dark and not knowing what is really happening in the world.

            Photo Journalist can be viewed as heroes or as just people who want to make a change. They have the courage to risk their lives to tell a story for us so we could know the truth about what’s going in on in other countries in the world. Without these journalist we would be left in the dark about what is going on in other countries and we wouldn’t have no way to try to find out about it. 

Challenges Student Athletes Face


This is an article that I had wrote for the school newspaper. I was in control of the sports department so I wrote an article about the what student athletes have to go through and deal with.           


          We all know that being a student and an athlete isn’t as easy as it seems. Managing our time in the correct way is very important. We have to make time to get our school work finished and make sure we attend every practice.

            Like most schools School of the Arts in order to be eligible to play sports, athletes have to maintain a 2.0 GPA. Even though most teachers and administrators would like everybody to have a 4.0, they had to make it fair so everyone has a chance to play. If a student does happen to get one F in any class, the athlete automatically gets put on probation, but if the student gets more than one , he or she are declared ineligible. 

According to the Athletic Director of SOTA, Mr. David Michelsen, “A successful athlete would be a well-rounded athlete.” This student should also be a good leader and show good citizenship. The main concern of all is academics.  Talent is very important too, but without good grades your talents will no longer matter. The hardest thing for students is becoming eligible again. Students are given a run around sheet. Which is used for the teachers to sign and put on current grade. Athletes have four weeks to bring up all of their grades so they can play the sport they wish to play again.

Determination is a key characterized that you must have if you wish to be a successful student well as an athlete. If you’re not determined to become a better athlete then how do you feel your going to get better? If you’re not determined to get your GPA over a 2.0 how will it ever happen? Being a student athlete requires hard work and dedication of your time.

Athletes at SOTA have a lot of weight on their shoulders. Many people view SOTA as one of the top schools in the RCSD.  With that is a lot of pressure on us students. We are already known for our high graduation rate, but we aren’t known as an athletic school. Mr.Michelsen is working to change that, by hiring new coaches and getting more students to participate in sports. Determination is the only thing that can make this possible.



 This is another article that I wrote for the magazine that we made I our class. Its about preparing yourself for different sports and different exercises you can do to help improve your skills in the sport that you play.       


          In order to be a force to be reckoned with in the world of sports you have to dedicate your time, you heart, your sweat and your tears. Being a starting player in any sport takes more than just natural talent. You to work hard to build on your talent and to get down the basic fundamentals of any sport that you play. Individual sports have different training exercises that help you be the best you can be, but for every sport you need strength, agility and speed.

           For Football, all players have to have explosive power. Strength and explosive power are two different things, but both are important factors in football. The objective in an actual football game is to outscore your opponent within 4 15 minutes quarters. During the off-season football players are expected to train and exercise heavily to increase their speed, strength, explosiveness and agility. Basic football drills are cutting drills, footwork drills, Zig-Zag run drill, rope drills, etc.

Basketball is not that much different from football. Even though basketball isn’t as physical, it is just as aggressive as football. Basketball is a fast past sport that requires strength, speed, agility and fundamental basketball skills. The objective of this sport is to outscore your opponent with 4 twelve minute quarters. You have to have high stamina to be able to endure all of the running that is required in this sport. The main way to gained strength working out or lifting weights is the main way to build up muscle throughout your body. For increasing you fundamental basic shooting and dribbling drills is the best way to do so.

            Baseball is another world wide famous sport that preparation is needed for. To have more power I your swing or more speed in your pitch you need to work to do lower body and core exercises designed for baseball players. Baseball has common workouts that professionals do. Excurses to improve your strength for baseball are Farmer’s walk, Plyo Posh-Up, Single Leg RDL, etc.

No matter what sport you play or what sport you want to play. If you don’t prepare then you won’t be as effect as you want to be. Remember that PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.

The Beginning of Mustard

In this project I had to write an article about anything that I found interested or something I wanted to know more about. I decided to write mines about the origin of French's Mustard.

Rochester the home of French’s Mustard.  French’s Mustard was first introduced in 1904, in a world fair in St. Louis. French’s Mustard was first manufactured in Rochester in 1880 by a man named George French.
 Before Robert and George French lived in Rochester they had a flour mill in Fairport, New York, but the flour mill burned down and forced them to move to Rochester New York. French’s Mustard is one of the most famous mustards in the United States. It has various sizes of mustard bottles and various flavors for whatever you’re eating it on.
Mustard is put on many American foods. You can find mustard on burgers, hot dogs, and sandwiches (turkey, chicken, ham, etc.), fries, and more. People even put mustard on pizza or potato chips.
Shockingly French’s Mustard is one of the few mustards that contain 0% fat in every bottle of mustard. Many people like to refrigerator their mustard to keep it from spoiling, but French’s Mustard doesn’t spoil. You could choose to refrigerator it or leave it out at room temperature it’s all about how you like your mustard.
French’s Mustard Company doesn’t only focus on making mustard. This company makes more than just the world’s greatest mustard.  French’s makes hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, cheddar French fried Oreos, and more.
French’s Mustard also makes up recipes for several of different tasty foods. French’s Mustard can be used to make everything taste better and have more flavor than ever before.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Easily Influenced

                In this project I had to write my own articles for a magazine that we made in our class. This is an article that I wrote that expressed how music can have an impact on how people live.

Many thing influences us young males to act a certain way or to dress a certain way. Young males are generally vulnerable to being influenced during their puberty years. Music seems to be one of the biggest ways that the average teenage males are being influenced. Some of the music influences can be good but most of the time is isn’t.

Music today isn’t the same as it was years ago. It contains messages that certain listeners pick up on.  Average hip-hop artist rap about the wrong things give young male listeners the thought that it’s okay to do what they are hearing. Listening to a song about smoking weed or popping a molly can cause curiosity, leading an easily influenced teen to want to try it or do it just because the artist you listen to does it. Music changes the life of people so much, but it’s barely noticed. A simple lyric in a verse can influence someone to do the wrong thing or make the wrong choice in life.

Music now promotes an uncommon lifestyle that few people have the privilege of living. Promoting having sex with a new girl every night isn’t a good thing. Young listeners who hear this think they should be able to do that, too. This leads to increases in teen pregnancies and the spread of STDs in teenagers. Music is always another way of carrying on problems with other people. A “diss” track is used to talk about another artist and show how much you don’t like them. This can lead to fights or even someone getting shot or seriously hurt.

Music lyrics aren’t the only thing that influence young males. Music videos have an impact on the audience life as well. Seeing their favorite artist in a video filled with beautiful half dressed women, with weed smoke filling the room, and money laying all over the place is something like a tease. It shows them what then life should be or how it could be if you do what the music tells you to do. Some young males see music as a guideline on how to live life the right way, so when you do get older you’ll be rich and famous just like your favorite music artist. The reality of it all is be your own person. Paint your own picture. Don’t be influenced by the music of this generation.