Friday, June 12, 2015

Dan Eldon

This is an essay about  conflict zone photo journalist. It was based off of a movie that we watched in class.

Journalist risk their life to tell the story of what’s going on in conflict zones to help try to make a change. They do this for the chance to tell a story that other people don’t have the courage to tell.  Dan Eldon was one journalist who was killed trying to tell the story of what was really happening Somalia.

            Dan Eldon isn’t the only journalist who died in a conflict zone trying to tell a story but their actually journalist who survive to tell the story the next day. A couple of conflict zone journalist are Des Wright, Don McCullin, Martin Bell, and Christine Amanpour.  These are just a few journalist that work in conflict zones. Most journalist try to get as close to the action as they can, the closer they are the better the story. It takes a lot of courage to risk your life to try to make a change.  These journalist are not crazy they are just dedicated to making a change and they will do anything to try to accomplish that change. These journalist possess the opportunity to create a huge impact on how certain people are living and bring it to the attention of people around the world. It’s just a big risk as said by Des Wright “covering war is just like fighting in war’. You have to make sure you’re covering the story getting all the right evidence, but at the same time you have to make sure your protecting your wellbeing.

            These journalist can be considerate heroes because of what they are trying to do. The evidence that the journalist are getting can help change the situation that the people are in. These believe this is what they are dynast to do. It’s what they love doing the excitement and fear of being killed is what makes them do this type of journalism. According to Martin Bell being a journalist in a conflict zone is a “Front row seat at the making of history”. It’s as if the chance of being in the actually war and conflict zones looking through that camera, capturing pictures that tells nothing but the truth about what is actually going on just causes them to be addicted so that they do it over and over again. This makes them heroes doing something that many people don’t have the courage or nerve to do. Not too many people feel that they were born to be a photo journalist in a conflict zone, but these journalist feel that this is what they were born to do and they wouldn’t want it any other way.

Amy Eldon wanted to find out exactly what happened to her brother Dan Eldon in Somalia.  I feel that this was the right thing to do. This gave her a sense of closure about what actually happened to her brother so she can move on and live happily knowing what she needed to know about his death.  She found out that her brother did what he did because he believed that he needed to do what he did and it wasn’t anything that could stop him from doing it. Her brother did an important thing that he believed he needed to do so he died in a way that he didn’t have a problem dying in. What he say had a huge impact on him, It made him have depression stages trying to understand exactly what he has saw in Somalia. Amy Eldon learned a lot from her journey to try to find out what happened to her brother. Amy Eldon got closure so she could feel a little better about the situation and the loss of her brother.

            These Journalist are very inspirational and shows the power that they have to get the stories that they share inspires people to want to make a change in the world. It helps gain more supporters that will try to help change the conditions that the people in the area that they are in getting the story. These journalist have a huge responsibility, they have the responsibility to tell the story for people who can’t find the courage to tell it themselves. Without these journalist we wouldn’t knew about what really happens in other parts of the world. They give us more knowledge about what happens so we can see if there is something that can we could do to change it for the better. Being a photo journalist is an important job it holds a lot of power to influence people to do things and give people the courage to make a change instead of living in the dark and not knowing what is really happening in the world.

            Photo Journalist can be viewed as heroes or as just people who want to make a change. They have the courage to risk their lives to tell a story for us so we could know the truth about what’s going in on in other countries in the world. Without these journalist we would be left in the dark about what is going on in other countries and we wouldn’t have no way to try to find out about it. 

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