Monday, June 8, 2015

Easily Influenced

                In this project I had to write my own articles for a magazine that we made in our class. This is an article that I wrote that expressed how music can have an impact on how people live.

Many thing influences us young males to act a certain way or to dress a certain way. Young males are generally vulnerable to being influenced during their puberty years. Music seems to be one of the biggest ways that the average teenage males are being influenced. Some of the music influences can be good but most of the time is isn’t.

Music today isn’t the same as it was years ago. It contains messages that certain listeners pick up on.  Average hip-hop artist rap about the wrong things give young male listeners the thought that it’s okay to do what they are hearing. Listening to a song about smoking weed or popping a molly can cause curiosity, leading an easily influenced teen to want to try it or do it just because the artist you listen to does it. Music changes the life of people so much, but it’s barely noticed. A simple lyric in a verse can influence someone to do the wrong thing or make the wrong choice in life.

Music now promotes an uncommon lifestyle that few people have the privilege of living. Promoting having sex with a new girl every night isn’t a good thing. Young listeners who hear this think they should be able to do that, too. This leads to increases in teen pregnancies and the spread of STDs in teenagers. Music is always another way of carrying on problems with other people. A “diss” track is used to talk about another artist and show how much you don’t like them. This can lead to fights or even someone getting shot or seriously hurt.

Music lyrics aren’t the only thing that influence young males. Music videos have an impact on the audience life as well. Seeing their favorite artist in a video filled with beautiful half dressed women, with weed smoke filling the room, and money laying all over the place is something like a tease. It shows them what then life should be or how it could be if you do what the music tells you to do. Some young males see music as a guideline on how to live life the right way, so when you do get older you’ll be rich and famous just like your favorite music artist. The reality of it all is be your own person. Paint your own picture. Don’t be influenced by the music of this generation.

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