Friday, June 12, 2015


This is the script for my podcast project. A podcast is basically an online radio that has nothing but someone voice talking about whatever topic the podcast is based on. My podcast topic was Music and its influence on its listeners.

This is Rashi’d Pendleton in the first half of this podcast we’ll talk about different type of music and the history of the music. We’ll discuss the influence of music how it can change the listener and the person who created it. Later in the Podcast will discuss the one and only Kendrick Lamar and his unique style of music.

Music Transition

Music in an art of sound used to express someone’s emotions and feeling through rhythm and melody. Music is an all-around thing it’s not just made for a certain group of people. It’s all different types of music that fit different audiences. Some people rather listen to hip-hop rather than listen to country or vice versa. It’s all about finding what music you seem to like the most. Some music artist try to do a mixture of genre such as Drake, He mixes R&B and hip-hop together expand his fan base.  Hip-Hop is probably the most popular of all the genres in music. Besides Hip-hop you have R&B, Rock &Roll, Country, Pop, Jazz, and many more.

Music Transition

Music has an influence on its audience or listeners. Many people see music artist as a type of idol and wants to be just like them. Let’s say your idol is a rapper named Lil Wayne okay and he mostly raps about doing well in school, going to college, and just being a successful person. That would make you want to be like your idol and do what he says. But the music that many teens listen to isn’t supporting the right way of life. They normally talk about smoking weed or popping pills, talk about killing whoever they don’t like and just sends the wrong message to easily influenced teens. Very known music artist has the biggest influence people could see the way that he/she is dressing then they want to go out and dress similar to the way that person is dressing. In music video, which is basically a video shot that shows the artist singing the song that they wrote. There is a saying that music writers should write only about things that happened to them or things that they have actually done. So if you grew up in Beverly Hills, don’t write a song that says you was born in Compton and you was selling drugs all your life. No boy you lived in a peaceful area and probably never bagged up drugs in your life. So if the song writer isn’t writing a song about what is an experience in his life he could be called out by other people and lose his fan base. Music is a way to express yourself not a way to act like what you’re not.

Music transition


Kendrick Lamar is one of the best lyrical rappers a live today. Kendrick has lost a little of his hype from when he first started but his recently released album called How To Pimp A Butterfly is a very strong album with a lot of meaning. Many music artist gets away from having a meaning behind all the songs that they write. Kendrick is one of the few rappers today that basically every song that he makes have an actually meaning behind it that in my eyes is real music. Kendrick Lamar actually is an overlooked rapper because of his style of music, he mixes old school beats with his style of music writing. Kendrick focuses on sending the right message to the people that listens to his music, he doesn’t rap about what every other rapper raps about. He has a different style and a different purpose with his music from other popular rappers in the industry. Kendrick stays true to himself if you listen to his music from before he was famous and listen to the music after he became famous it is the same style but it just have different meaning because every song has a meaning that he is trying across. Not too many rappers can do what Kendrick does, his wordplay and punch lines is full of meaning and many people doesn’t catch what he is trying to say so they fail to fail to realize the impact that he is trying to have on the people that takes the time to hear what he is saying.

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